Friday, February 20, 2009

wacky images

All of these images were made with the guidance of one of my favorite instructors at a.c. Christine Nasser

Saturday, February 14, 2009

inazuman and mikey as a cub

20"x30" Verithin on frosted milar
I finally finish this drawing i plan to make a lithograph out of. I just hope that i pick up the process quickly and smoothly.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Inazuman intro

graphite on paper 13 x 17


these paintings are about two years old, i've been a little compulsive about finishing them because i constantly add to them while i paint other projects.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I won

mixed media
This and the lower three pieces were done for Jason Holley and Aaron Smith's drawing class last year. This partcular piece is about the gullibility i had about beating a video game.

Yes in your face

mixed media
This piece is my first car explosion piece, and i wont go into details about either.

Dumpster Pete

mixed media
i'm going into details on pete

Flat Black Black Cat

mixed media
This piece is my favorite of my work so far... because its about the hardest time in my life. as a teenager i got into graffiti as it consumed most of time and energy, i would tag on this building in my old neighborhood on a regular basis. i believe that it was a Pacific Bell work place this building is on the corner of Lake and Elizabeth in Pasadena.


mixed media approximately 13 x 17
Here's Moloch & fuck moloch and those who follow this idol.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Feeroze aka Eric aka Jim Durgan aka Junebug aka One Crazy on and so on.

here are some sketches for two new paintings i started last night, they are of my good friend Feeroze . This guy is possibly the craziest person i know, he's out there at all times and at times i feel has no limit.

untitled burning cars

Here's another car explosion painting, i feel like this piece is finished but who know i might go back into it if get ahead on my other projects.